One Summer Afternoon

 One Summer Afternoon

Wary robins, with their eyes on me, drink at the pond.

Flashy orioles partake of sugar water.

A rare monarch flits at the pollinator garden.

Bees enter a tiny hole in the shed, an entrance to their nest.

Redwing blackbirds forage below the feeder.

A blue jay perches sideways on the feeder pole.

A woodpecker lands on the neighbor’s fence.

A chipping sparrow takes a sip at the pond.

A juvenile grackle opens his bill looking for food from his mother.

A redwing tries to hide in the greenery, but his blazing red spots give him away.

A catbird sips at the pond along with the blue-black grackles and redwings.

A hummingbird hovers at the sugar feeder,

A baby bunny appears from under the deck and munches on clover.

The falling water in our pond drowns out the race and rumble of distant city racket.

It’s hors d’oeuvres out here for all of our winged and pawed friends.

Time for me to forage in the kitchen.


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