Loving the World, Anyway

 Loving the World, Anyway

Sure we have the self-important, power-mongering pseudo-leaders and their toadies of that world. We have the racists and sexists who think they can elevate their miserable selves only by putting others down. We have the damaged ones whose rage, they think, can only be released by bullets. The human traffickers who sell children into slavery. The dishonest newscasters who tell one lie after another for money and fame. The list goes on in this country. It’s, for sure, an immature country, only a couple hundred years and a few decades old. Its citizens include people who are emotionally ignorant, some unstable and dangerous. Hopefully these types get healed. However we also have a group to learn from, the Native Americans. 

Indigenous to this land, they have been living here for thousands of years. What sets them apart? It is their wise oneness with the land and all of its beings. Their gratitude for the bounty of the natural world. Their support for each other within the tribe. Now they are not perfect. They suffer some of the same foibles and frailties as other human groups. But it is their holding the land sacred, and their relationships respectful and supportive, that sets them apart. How else could they have survived and flourished for so long in “the wild”? They cooperated in a natural lifestyle. So, let’s learn from them, and turn around our destructive ways before it’s too late. Let’s love the world like the Native Americans.  


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