The Story of My Life

 The Story of My Life

     I’m writing a book, I’ve got the page numbers done.

                                                               Steven Wright

Well, okay, I’ve got more than the page numbers. My autobiography amounts to seventy-some eight-and-a-half-by-elevens, so far. That’s not a lot for a 76 year-old guy. But do I ever really want to get done with this project? There’s always more memories that will come up. That’s because, I’m told, as you age you remember things better about your childhood than what you had for breakfast. Even though all you ever have for breakfast is toast and coffee. Who wants to be finished with an autobiography anyway? Doesn’t that portend the end? I guess it will always be an ongoing project, a rough draft, kind of like my life. Stay tuned. In a devil-may-care moment, I may just share it with you.


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