The Sinking of the Battleship Egomania
The Sinking of the Battleship Egomania
Let’s all put our armored egos aside,
Or us and the planet woe betide.
It’s our egos that always divide.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s OK to take a side,
So long as the others you do not deride.
Listen to others, let understanding be your guide.
Compassion for others is to love them, not their “side.”
We all want love, it’s the particulars that collide.
Get beyond the ego, there’s a person inside.
When you truly see that person, and they see that you do, love abides.
When you see what love means to that person, give it to them, full-tide.
In the torrent of love, the armor of ego will sink and subside.
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