Hooray! It's Isla Kaye!

 Hooray! It’s Isla Kaye!

Today is one special day!

She is, of light, a ray!

Family on two continents clap and say

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

She journeyed a night and a day.

Not to rush things, she definitely had her say.

Likely took time to practice her plie,

For a ballerina, it is her forte.

So for poor Mom and Dad there was a delay.

Ballerinas can have a temperamental day.

Especially when making their debut on the world stage,

A most eventful day.

For the rest of us, with feet of clay,

Fretted and sweated and humbly prayed

For an outcome so joyous as today’s.

What cheer! What cheer! What cheer!

Isla, you’re a miracle of new life, so dear.

With parents like yours, they’ve opened the doors

Of love to you, now and forevermore.

Hooray! It’s Isla Kaye!


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