George and his Mom Converse About Literature

 George and his Mom Converse About Literature

Amy, George’s Mom and a high school teacher, had this conversation with her son, George, age 4.

Amy: Let’s play Fiction or Non-Fiction. I’ll tell you the name of a story, and, if it’s a real story, you say non-fiction. If it’s made-up, you say fiction.

George: OK, Mom.

Amy: What if I’d say, “Star Wars.” Fiction or non-fiction?

George: Fiction.

Amy: Right! You do one.

George: The city of Appleton is full of jeeps.

Amy: Fiction. 

George: (Thumbs up).

Amy: What about Santa Claus? Fiction or non-fiction?

George: (Thumbs up) Non-fiction.

Amy: How come Santa is non-fiction?

George: Because I saw him in a store.

Amy: So he’s real, because you saw him?

George: (Thumbs still up) Yeaah.


  1. Let the record show that GEORGE was the one who came up with the game Fiction/Non-Fiction.


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