A Conversation With Myself

 A Conversation With Myself

     From the Chinese: K’un ch’ ung erh t’ung

     When faced with an impasse, there will be a way through.

So, every impasse has a way through?

It looks like a maze, a lot of blind alleys, a tunnel without light.

It’s going to require something I’ve never done before.

That’s scary.

So, maybe the “impasse” is just my fear?

You’ve got it, brother. It’s just in your head.

So, change your thinking. Better yet, get out of your head,

And start doing!

Creaky back? Start stretching.

Weight gain? Exercise routine.

Writer’s block? Just write.

Getting older? So’s everyone. Do now what you’ll regret not doing later.

Pandemic isolation? Learn a new skill. You’ve got the time.

Spiritual impasse? Meditate. Read for inspiration.

An obstacle is an opportunity for growth.

Be the person you’ve always wanted to be.

Know that you already are.

OK, you win. I’ll do what you suggest.

Check-in with me once in a while, though, will you?

I tend to start something, but have it fade later.

Got it! Go for it, man. I’ll be watching.

Thanks. You’re a great coach.

You, too. Thom, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Hey, that’s the last line in “Casablanca.”

You caught me.


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