The Time Before Her
The Time Before Her
There was a time,
A time of dark,
A time of doubt,
A time of wandering,
A time of wondering,
A time of yearning.
Yearning for what?
How can you know,
If you haven’t known
What “what” is?
How to find it
When you’re lost
With a sketchy map
For a neural journey
From fear-clouded mind
To open heart?
Many dark places,
Dead ends.
Then guides appear,
Mentors of love,
A community of people
Singing, sharing, playing, working together,
Opening together.
How’s this?
Me a part of such bliss?
How can I?
They answer: Just do it!
I do.
I open.
I find the love,
The love of my life.
I find my wife
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