

I speak to the Wind…

Wind, where do you come from, where do you go?

You seem to be everywhere and nowhere as over Earth you blow.

Your presence is felt by all the world, and yet you can’t be seen;

As yourself never, but only how you affect each scene.

You blow through the trees, rustle their leaves.

You sail through tall grass; they wave as you pass.

But never are you revealed as you.

The Wind blusters in answer…

Yes, I am anonymous, in some ways.

And so are you, human.

Same as you, I don’t reveal my true self easily.

Yet, when I do, I let it all out; as you say, the shit hits the fan.

Like yours, my moods are many:

I am a wisp of wind;

I am a gentle breeze;

I am a gust, a blast, an angry gale.

Like you, I can be capricious:

I shift; I veer; I back.

But I let my feelings be known:

I sough in the pines.

I moan in the eaves.

I howl in the sails.

Like you, I affect the Earth:

I bring the rains, the dust storms, the whirling destruction.

I fan the flames of forest fires.

Hear me! I hate the carbon that you are spewing into my air. 

It makes me do things I don’t want to do, but can’t help. 

You are changing the climate, and me as part of it.

But don’t discount me, human; I drive the hurricanes.

I am Aeolus, god of the zephyrs.

I respond…

Aeolus, I mean to cast no aspersions on you.

And I see your points of comparison between yourself and humanity,

how we have to get our carbon emissions under control. 

I simply observe how your force is visible, yet you are not.

One of those mysteries that made you a god, I guess.

That, and your powers that you have mentioned.

You travel the world. You fill my sails. I will fly with you again.

Until then, I am with you in my imagination. Godspeed.

Aeolus responds…




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