Nature Speaks

 Nature Speaks

The Moon glows, “I am a big, old, gold coin. Reach up to me, and put me in your pocket. Keep me close in your dreams. I will never let you down.”

A Star sings, “I am very, very far away, but you can still see me in the heavens. Look upon me and make a wish. Hold me in your heart, and it will come true.”

The Sun beams, “I am the star that powers your world. I am on fire, burning with love for you. I see my warmth reflected in your faces, and I am happy.”

The Earth rumbles, “I am your home. My gravity keeps you grounded. My fertile fields keep you nourished. Treat me well, and I will be good natured.”

The Wind whispers, “Come along with me. I travel uncharted paths to unnamed places. I am the wind at your back.”

The Water murmurs, “Float your boat on my back, and I will carry you to watery wonders around the world.”

The Forest rustles, “I have many gifts for you. Here are two on which you depend: I inhale carbon from the air, and I exhale oxygen for you to breathe.

The Rain pitters and patters, “My gift to you is this: I refresh the garden that is Earth with my life-giving waters. Without me there would be no lakes or streams, just deserts.”

Nature speaks, “Take good care of me, for you and I are one.”


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