Weedy? No, It's Biodiverse

 Weedy? No, It’s Biodiverse

Always the weed returns. The cultured plant retreats before it.

                                                                                 -Beryl Markham

It’s the greenest on our road.

In times of drought, people ask

How is it that your lawn is so green?

I say look closer, it’s:

Dogbane, purslane, shepherd’s purse, and plantain

Pigweed, lambsquarters, wild radish, and bird weed

Lady’s thumb, curly dock, prickly lettuce, and alyssum.

Any grass in that lawn?, they ask.

I say yes, of course. Crabgrass and quackgrass.

All natural, no chemicals, drought-resistant, all green.

Except for the pretty yellow flowers we make into wines,



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