Today's Haiku

 Today’s Haiku

Live edge furniture

Is it alive? Not really

Looks like how it grew

It’s Horicon Marsh

A misty picture of it

Geese and ducks landing

All in our backyard,,,

Turkey, crane, deer, fox, coyote

What can be next, bear?

My breakfast today,,,

Coffee, apple, vitamins

The same everyday

It’s beautiful out

The flowers are brilliant

Pat’s care for them shows

It’s sunny today

There’s morning light through the trees

Thanks. Ol’ Solius

Sun, rain, nutrients

Good care provided by Pat

The flowers can’t miss

Our plants are lucky

With such a good caregiver

Pat cares for me, too!


Everyone calls it “UU”


One final haiku

Then it’s off to church, UU,

Called a “fellowship”


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