Here I Sit at 5AM

 Here I Sit at 5AM

Coffee mug in hand

Doing what I do

Check the Google News

 -Biden’s still running

Check the weather

 -Hot, humid, storms tonight

Pendulum on the clock swinging the seconds away

Wonder what to write about

A writer is supposed to write everyday, right?

Look out the window

The rising sun just a glow through the trees

Ten thousand white clover begin to appear in our meadow

Behind me, a shadow of me on the wall

I wave, “he” waves back

Again, out the window, there are flower pots filled with color 

A cardinal alights on the maple

The blueberry blossoms have turned into berries

The pollinator garden bursts with life:

Cat mint, wild grape, milk weed

Squirrels and rabbits glean fallen birdseed

The feeder is empty, a daily occurrence

Light filters through the trees

Not a whisper of wind

Peace pervades



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