In Our Green World

 In Our Green World

Rays of the rising sun are muted today by canopies of dark clouds and green leaves,

Tiny four-foots - chipmunks and red squirrels - tails in the air, scurry across the dewy lawn.

Feeders appear cleaned-out, but winged ones are able to find some seed there.

Little helicopter birds hover and sip at the hummer feeder.

Sunbirds, my name for orioles, sweeten their day at the hummer feeder as well.

Two deer, a buck and a doe, appear, grazing appropriately on the buckthorn.

A bumblebee pollinates our distant garden, while a blue jay disappears in the blue flowers.

A mallard joins the birdseed breakfast below the feeder, then plunges in the pond. 

Rabbits trim the grassy edges of the lawn that I wasn’t able to mow.

Hummingbirds return to the sugar feeder, apparently liking Patti’s cooking.

A veritable bush of bleeding hearts hangs from a shepherd’s hook, a splash of red in the green.

To keep it all going, rain is on the way.


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