Legend of the Three Sisters

 Legend of the Three Sisters 

This is the story, told down through the ages by the Native Americans, about how they learned that Earth’s living things do best by  working together, working in-harmony with each other. The Native Americans learned to care for all living things of the Earth, and the living things gave back to them.They learned from the plant world. They learned from the Three Sisters.

The Three Sisters were Corn Girl, Bean Girl, and Squash Girl.

At first the three did not want to do anything with each other. They did not want to cooperate. Wanting to do everything on their own got them into trouble. Corn Girl just stood straight up in the field all the time, got hungry, and couldn’t do anything about it. Weeds grew up around her feet. Bean Girl, not strong, grew like a thin vine along the ground, just got wet and dirty, and also weedy. Squash Girl, while stronger, had problems with the hot sun which scorched her leaves.

Eventually the three girls saw how what they were doing wasn’t working. They started to work together. They cooperated. Corn Girl supported Bean Girl’s vine as she grew up the cornstalk. In return Bean Girl fed Corn Girl. Squash Girl grew closer to the other two, and protected them from weeds. Corn Girl and Bean Girl provided shade for Squash Girl to protect her from the sun.

Native American farmers, seeing how the Three Sisters cooperated, planted them close together. In turn, the Three Sisters provided them with tasty and nutritious food each year. 


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