What's Next...

 What’s Next…

Had a thought yesterday…

Choose a physical feat to do at age 80.

I’m 76 years and 8 months old now,

So, 3 years and 4 months to go.

What “physical feat” do I have in mind?

And what do I need to do with this body before attempting it?

Here’s some ideas:

Paddle the Wolf River around Navarino wildlife area from Hwy. CCC to Hwy. 156

Paddle old boyhood haunts, Caldron Falls and High Falls

Paddle the last 90 undammed miles of the Wisconsin River before it flows into the Mississippi, from Prairie du Sac to Prairie du Chien

The first two listed are really warm-ups for the last one. Maybe yet this Fall.

And “this body?”

Do my PT exercises, and either treadmill or walk daily.

For some canoe trips, Bruce and Keith are already interested. Aaron, likely too.

Dust-off those old canoes.

Wisconsin waters, here we come!



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