The Earth is Our Castle

 The Earth is Our Castle

As the saying goes, our home is our castle. The castles of old were fortresses, built to protect against those who would do harm. But our castles nowadays can divide us from Nature, of which we are but a part. In our comfortable castle, we think we can change the weather simply by turning a switch. It’s cold, we turn up the thermostat. It’s hot, we turn on the air conditioner. It’s one reason we’re so reluctant - dare I say, spoiled - to change our ways as climate changes. It’s all in our use/misuse of energy. Our use/misuse of energy has caused numerous destructive climate changes: oceans warming to record levels which power super hurricanes and floods; lack of snow in northern climes which cause vast wild fires, and poison the air; and crop-killing drought, among others. It’s all in our use/misuse of energy: the gasoline car, the coal-fired power plant, the over-sized houses still being built. All must stop if we are to survive. 

What can we do in the face of this crisis? How about walking or bicycling to the store;

gardening rather than buying vegetables trucked in from distant places; wearing a sweater rather than turning up the thermostat; sealing leaks around windows and doors; using window-insulating curtains; having insulation blown-in where needed. Small efforts, but if everyone did so, a major difference would be made. And, most importantly, it is to elect leaders who will enact climate change solutions, such as solar power, wind power, and geothermal.

Castles were built in the old days to protect against enemies. Now it’s time to recognize that  Earth, our home in this vast universe, is our castle, and the enemy, if we choose not to change, is us.  


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