The Journey

 The Journey

Over the ages, trillions and trillions of humans have trod Earth’s path. Some searched for life’s meaning, and gave us the world’s great religions. They understood that there is a Divine Presence, a loving presence in our lives to which we need to aspire. Others chose not to follow this path, but, instead, followed their ego wherever it led them. Most, of course, do so as children, perhaps as a survival mechanism in a land of giants. It is a stage of development, because how can you love another without first loving yourself. However, as children grow and are rewarded for sharing, they learn that everyone in a situation needs to have their needs met, everyone needs love. Some, though, continue to follow the god of ego into adulthood, the god of me. But, if one stops seeking the real reason for existence, ego is a wall that only gets in the way of a larger love, a larger love that is all about service to others. Ego obscures the seeing of the other’s needs, and puts one’s needs first. So, do we ever end this journey? I think not. The path requires us to find the Divine beyond the ego in a humble love for oneself and love for others.       


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