The Power of Water


The Power of Water

In its many forms...

To make smooth a jagged stone over thousands of years

To form mountains of clouds in the skies

To rain down a deluge and end a drought

To flood a city, and remind that Nature is in charge

To sculpt a cavern and a canyon

To crack a cliff riddled with frozen fissures

To frost beautifully a window in winter, or festoon a house with icicles

To make the paint of choice for water colorists

To float and protect nascent life in the womb

To change from liquid form to solid ice 

To fall as snow in the mountains and plains

To melt and flow in the springing rivers

To blanket the Earth in fog

To quench the thirst of mankind and all Earth’s beings

To form ice so massive it sinks unwary ships

To barrel down a mountain as an avalanche

To cool oneself with a plunge on a summer beach

To be, in its salty form, a major part of the Earth’s surface

To float the boats of discovery

To partner with the wind to sail a sailboat

To provide a medium for all Earth’s swimmers - mammalian, amphibian, avian, insectile, and piscine

To flow down from a melting mountain snow cap and find the sea via rollicking rapids and waterfalls

To irrigate the farms which produce our sustenance

To make hydroelectric power

To rid the body and clothes of dirt and grit

To be the spit of the planet


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