Today I Will Make Up Words

 Today I Will Make Up Words

I will do this for phun - hey, I already did it! Phun, what you do when you are at a loss for something - anything!!?? - to write about. Here goes…

     Yamoosh, mashed yams.

     Truthnot antisocial, whatever a former president - you know who - says.

     Threeder, a reader at age three.

     Cleandirt, the brown stuff still on your carrot after you pull it up from your organic garden.

     Dirtydirt, why my wife follows me around the house.

     Fundirt, what kids - and I guess, me - invariably find in the environment and on their clothes.

     Thojersing, a soldier with a lisp that likes to sing, probably a Viking, or my name abbreviated.

     Baba, a Hindu holy man, or what my little grandson August calls me, his version of grandpa.

     Bama, grandma, what August calls my wife..

     Snapop, the sound my creaky lower back makes.

     Gasfood, the”food” sold in gas stations guaranteed to produce it.

     Woodpecker vision, farsightedness, leaning way back to see the hole or the seed in the suet.

     Snowdune, my long, wide driveway.

     Mountain range, what the snowplow pushes across driveways like mine.

So much for phun today. I’ve got snow shoveling to do. Well, actually, I use a Wovel, a snow shovel with a wheel. That’s it’s name, really.



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