What I Don't Know

 What I Don’t Know

I don’t know what makes wood ticks tick,

                    how a horse kicks,

                    any high wire circus tricks, 

                    if I would lick a salt lick.

I don’t know the practice of medicine,

                    the Mighty Quinn,

                    how to make a pin,

                    why a five is a fin.

I don’t know why grass is green,

                    why gas comes from a bean,

                    why there is a title of queen,

                    how a machine could be mean.

I don’t know why roses are red,

                    why violets are not,

                    why fish have scales,

                    why Sheboygan’s famous for brats

I don’t know how a cell divides,

                    without losing everything inside,

                    why a peach has a stone,

                    while a jellyfish has no bone.

I don’t know how water turns to ice,

                    why the plural of louse is lice,

                    what makes a cow moo,

                    what colors an eye blue.

I don’t know much, I guess,

                    except how to play chess,

                    that is, the last time I checked,

                    check, check, checkmate.






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