Earth in the Heavens, Heaven on Earth

 Earth in the Heavens, Heaven on Earth

Carl Sagan’s “Pale Blue Dot”

Earth a tiny point of light in the Vast

An inconceivable distance from the nearest heavenly body

Our Earth is in Heaven

How to make the Earth reflect the Heaven it’s in?

How to make a Heaven on Earth?

Earth’s nature has been to evolve into ever-higher forms of Life


Don’t we need to get out of Nature’s way

To stop the pollution of the Natural World

To enhance Life rather than kill it

To stop the killing of our own Species

To be stewards of the piece of Heaven that is our own planet

To be protectors of our Water, Air, and the Natural World of which we are a part

To preserve these, now and for future generations…

The purity of the snow

The sweet sap of the sugar maple

The upturned limbs of the spruce

The curious family of deer

The eye of the owl

The clear waters of the lake

The breath of pure air

The beating of one’s own heart and countless others

This Earth is, to us, Heaven.

We need to treat it with reverence.


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