Will Power and Fat Chance Converse

 Will Power and Fat Chance Converse

Will Power and Fat Chance - really two sides of one personality - have their annual, pre-holiday, weight loss conversation…

Will Power: “Would you like one peanut with your one sip of beer? That’s all you get, you know. You’re on a diet.”

Fat Chance: “Well, Will, I bet my bottom dollar you can’t lose weight. That’s if I can get my wallet out of my tight pants.”

Will Power: “You’re on. I’ve decided to live up to my name. I’ve had some ill-gotten goods lately. I ate all the Halloween candy, so I’m fasting on Thanksgiving!”

Fat Chance: “OK, well, let’s talk turkey. How are you going to avoid Thanksgiving? You tried that last year. While everyone ate their meal, you began to stare like a zombie, and mumble ‘I live from hand to mouth…I live from hand to mouth.’ Then you grabbed a drumstick and a sweet potato, one in each hand, and gnoshed them down. Next, all the cranberries. A feeding frenzy. So much for fasting.”

Will Power: “Well, look at yourself in the mirror lately, Old Tub? We both have to pare down.”

Fat Chance: “OK, OK. We have to be reasonable though. How about two peanuts and two sips?”

Will Power: “Yep, but that’s the limit, and the bet! Got your wallet out yet?”

Fat Chance: “Give me time. I’m trying. We will either sink or swim this year. Let’s swim!”

Will Power: “Yep, moderation is our new watchword.”


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