Who Is...

 Who Is…

As forthright as a judge?

As resilient as steel?

As industrious as a beaver?

As aware of safety as a doe protecting her fawn?

As quick with care as a first responder?

As interested in other’s well being as her mother and father?

As sociable, personable, friendly as they come?

As grateful, appreciative, and thankful as well?

As inquisitive as a kitten?

As politically minded as anyone, but for the people not the politicians?

As prepared as the farmer with his harvest in the barn?

As open as a flower?

A planner, a forward thinker, a list maker, and doer?

A good neighbor who will turn on a dime in the service of others?

A big sister, a person people turn to?

A reader, a lover of books?

Thrifty and cost conscious? 

Emotionally upfront, so what you see is what you get?

The one whose smile elicits smiles from others?

Pleasant to the eye, and sweet as candy?

It’s great to report, my wife!!!


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