September Morning

 September Morning

Golden green glows between the scintillating trees.

Sun lights a shining portal to forest mysteries.

Solar arc of September leans southward day by day.

Autumn hints of his coming in changing color displays.

The hummingbirds still hover here over their sugary larder.

They know they soon will buzz their wings to their southerly quarters.

The orioles no longer appear for their morning banquet.

They, it seems, have already departed on their down South junket.

The squirrels, though, are gathering nuts to squirrel them away.

They will thank themselves in winter for their fall food forays.

Some year ’rounders do not gather but live for today.

They always seem to weather the winter - cardinals, chickadees, and jays.


  1. Hi, Salaamon Alaikum (peace be upon you) Thom. I really enjoyed your poems! I felt a sense of peace and tranquility reading them. God Bless!! I just got back from the Karbala Arbaeen Walk in Iraq. Over 20 million participants!! I remembered you and your brother-in-law in my prayers. Please don't forget me in yours. Sincerely, Hashem. More good people like you is needed in this world.


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