Fred in a Fine Fix

 Fred in a Fine Fix

I found Fred in a fine fix when doing some fixing on the backyard pond. For he had foundered in a flood. Even though Fred is a frog, he found himself floundering in a flowage. And, as fine a frog as he is,  Fred is young, naive, and wet-behind-the-ears, so to speak. He apparently finished one of his floats with a flop into a fifty-five gallon drum, part of our pond circulating system. 

This tale has a happy ending. I rescued Fred with my trusty net, and put him back in pond proper. I think he has learned something of ponds: stay out of the pond outlet, the black hole of Frog World. If not, I’ll rig a Fred-proof screen to keep the little green dude safe. He is the first resident - that we know of - of our pond. And we don’t even have any lily pads yet for him. Stay tuned, Fred. We humans are trying to give you an environment that works, not only for us, but for all life.


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