It's Snack O'Clock Somewhere

It's Snack O'Clock Somewhere

Snack attack, it's a fact.

It's Snack O'Clock somewhere.

A bear leaves his lair.

Jack gets up off his chair.

The two of them in the mood for some food.

On a tear for a bit of fare.

Not to spoil their appetite,

They just want to chomp a little bite.

Not wanting a nine-course meal,

They just like the way food makes them feel,

Especially when they’re a bit uptight.

For hors d’oeuvres then, the bear will eat almost anything,

Such as roots and berries and cherries bing.

He simply will eat what’s in front of him,

Before prowling for some more.

Jack, though, avoiding his own Big Mac Attack, 

Prefers crackers and his namesake Monterrey Jack.

He makes a toast with wine from some coast, 

And leaves it at that.  


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