Bird Riddles: Who Am I?

 Bird Riddles: Who Am I?

They call me “bald,” but I’m really not.

I peck holes in trees.

I’m insulated with down that keeps me warm even when I’m floating on icy water.

I dabble for food, meaning I stick my head and neck below the water, with my butt up.

I’m from Africa, way taller than a man, and can out-kick a football or soccer kicker.

I’m tiny, but can fly forwards, backwards, and hover like a helicopter.

I can see well at night when I’m hunting, and my call is “who cooks for you?”

I’m one of the first birds to appear in spring, and like to eat worms on your lawn.

I have the same name as a piece of heavy equipment with a long arm, cable, and hook.

My call sounds like I’m mourning, so that’s what people call me.


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