Our Busy Restaurant

 Our Busy Restaurant

We’ve opened a restaurant here in Fox Crossing. How, you might ask, could we have done this in the throes of a pandemic? One key to our success has been a large and naturally landscaped, outdoor dining area, where we also grow many of our vegetables. In fact, our fresh vegetarian fare, including many wild edibles, has been our specialty most often served. We welcome the fur coat crowd - deer, fox, rabbits, chipmunks, wood chucks, racoons, red and grey squirrels, and others - but also cater to at least twenty species of feathered customers, including turkeys, wood ducks, orioles, woodpeckers, and flickers.  A few of them are snow birds like buntings, tanagers, and grosbeaks, who, in springtime, make our restaurant a stop on their yearly flight North. It’s nice to see the mating rituals - kissing cardinals come to mind - and the resulting babies. Yesterday a fawn and his mother pranced out of the woods, and dined on our Dutch white clover. A while back, a ten-point buck made an appearance.You never know who will visit our restaurant next.   


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