Green Cavern

 Green Cavern

They can see us, the woodland creatures.

We can’t see them, hidden in their green cavern.

What was, in winter, leafless, dormant, snow-bright,

Now, in spring, is closed-to-view, vibrant, but shadowy.

The woods, a green grotto, holds secrets of life in its emerald walls.

Thick branches, like stalactites, hang from the trees.

Stalagmite stumps stick-out from the cave-like floor,

Make us think they’re stout little creatures as we pass.

You know they’re there in the thick understory -

Deer, turkey, fox, raccoon, woodchuck, and others -

For they all appear from time to time in the yard.

But now they have their life tasks to perform -

To mate, give birth, nest, care for their young.

We retreat. They need no intrusion from us.


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