Terra Firma

 Terra Firma

What were the grounds for digging all those holes in our backyard ground?

To gain sixteen footholds for a structure, a deck above the ground.

Let me say that the yard’s thick clay almost ran us aground.

Even with an auger of high horsepower boring the solid ground,

the drill got stuck in the adhesive muck four feet in the ground.

That’s until the contractor’s skill, and the juice of the coffee grounds,

awakened a solution for the stuck contraption, stuck so far down.

He bridged the hole and suspended a winch over the auger run aground,

and winched it up, no longer stuck, to cheers all around.

We have a new name for our domain, given by my son, the above contractor of renown.

He christened the yard Terra Firma, solid as a boulder, except four feet down.


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