One Morning in Spring

 One Morning in Spring

Out the East windows: not long ago, bare trees, deep snow.

Then there were just the year-rounders at the feeder: cardinals, chickadees, woodpeckers.

And, below it, those that think they’re birds: deer and squirrels.

But time flies if you’re a migrant, and springtime flights arrive daily from points South:

Flickers, wood thrushes, finches of gold and red, blackbirds, grackles, cowbirds, robins.

And, below the feeder, our turkey, unseen since autumn, takes her daily place at the table.

The wood is filling-in with budding leaves, like green dots on an impressionist painting.

Just now, a deer saunters across the lawn, looks in my window, continues on.

The sun rises through the trees, makes green jewels of back lit leaves.

Its rays highlight little blue flowers in the grass.

Rabbits chase each other.

Cardinals kiss.

Time of rebirth and renewal.


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