April Awakenings

 April Awakenings

The rains come in torrents and showers,

Awaken early flowery bowers.

Grass hues change to emerald green.

Tree buds glint a yellow gleam.

Daffodils and irises start to bud.

They, too, welcome the copious flood.

Cardinals, the red ones, challenge each other,

For the right to woo a female lover.

Soon males and females will be kissing each other,

As the male places a seed in the beak of his lover.

Rabbits get squirrely, squirrels even squirrelier,

As animal magnetism brings them together.

Robins, singing lovesongs clearly the best,

Have discovered their lovers, and are building their nests.

Red finches and goldfinches arrive from migration,

Their colors welcome at the feeder’s location.

Soon other travelers will arrive with the hungries:

Orioles, tanagers, grosbeaks, and buntings.

It’s a great time of year, for many the best,

As April awakens with its zip and its zest.


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