I am six.
I am asleep.
I am playing baseball.
I am an outfielder.
I get up out of bed.
I say aloud, “I have to catch the ball before it goes over the fence.”
I jump up.
I hit the wall.
I catch the ball.
I wake up.
I celebrate, waking up my sibs and folks.
I am ushered back to bed.
I am ten.
I am asleep.
I am flying over our house.
I wake up in bed, a soft landing.
It was quite the flight.
I am twelve.
I am asleep.
It’s Halloween
I am riding in a car.
It is rainy and foggy.
Out of the gloom, a man appears on foot.
A man in a trench coat.
A man without a head.
I wake up happy not to be in the car.
I am sixteen.
I am asleep.
Oh, oh. Puberty has set-in.
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