Gneiss is Nice

 Gneiss is Nice

G-n-e-i-s-s is nice.

  • Yeah, I know it’s nice. It’s beautiful. I have a big boulder of it in my yard. But how is g-n-e-i-s-s pronounced?

I told you.

  •  No, you didn’t. You said, “G-n-e-i-s-s is nice.”

That’s how it’s pronounced.

  • It’s pronounced “nice?’

Yep. It’s metamorphic rock. With high pressure and temperature over millennia, it changed from being shale to slate to phyllite to schist, and finally to gneiss.

  • I guess if I went through all those changes, and still survived, even a name like Pthom would sound like a Psalm.

Thom, I’m a scientist. I should know better than to talk to you poets.


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