The Wayfinder

  The Wayfinder

What could you not accept, if you but knew that everything that happens, all events, past, present, and to come, are gently planned by One whose only purpose is your good?

                                                            - A Course in Miracles

Put aside your frantic thoughts.

In the end they go for nought.

Abide in them and you’re lost for days,

Caught up in a bewildering haze,

A daze of your own creation.

Belay them, stay them, they’re up to no good.

Bar them, starve them, give them no food.

A diet of anxiety nourishes not,

But twists your system into a knot,

A clot of emotional exhaustion.


Focus instead on the waves of your breath,

The rolling waves of your calming breath.

Those thoughts will come, those thoughts will go.

Thoughts will dissolve in breath’s flow, 

While you’re afloat on the sea of the present.

Who will navigate o’er the sea,

And keep you safe from calamity?

Breathe into your center, and there you’ll find

The One Who has you always in mind,

The Wayfinder of your journey.

In the Wayfinder you can trust

To bring you about, and your sails adjust. 

So take the helm, sail the sea.

And if life’s gusts overwhelming be,

Remember Who it was that calmed the sea. 

Just focus on your breath, your life-giving breath. 

Allow the Wayfinder to guide you, the Master even of death.

You may just glimpse what mystics behold, 

That beyond the mind is eternal love,

Beyond the mind is eternal love.




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