
Showing posts from October, 2024

It's Raining Gold

  It’s Raining Gold The change to gold progresses Green to gold on the maple tree The southerning Sun has done his job The Wind will do the rest A shower of gold each time the Wind blows Today, blue sky, winds high, leaves flying like a flock of golden birds

Fly Like a Leaf

  Fly Like a Leaf      Oh to be on the open road, again at liberty, to fly like a leaf      Where’er wind, will, or whisper may carry our hearts                                                                        –Author unknown This lyric was sung many years ago around a campfire encircled by tree planters in the national forest of northern Wisconsin. Patti and I and little Aaron were among them, resting after planting an acre or two that day, and caring for the little guy. In late October, when I see leaves blowing in the wind, I am reminded  of that song, and of our month-l...

A Creature of Rhythm

  A Creature of Rhythm Like breathing Like in and out Like breathing Like in and out Like breathing Like in and out Like in and out Like in and out… Like eating Like chomp and chew Like eating Like chomp and chew Like eating Like chomp and chew Like chomp and chew Like chomp and chew… Like writing Like poetry Like writing Like poetry Like writing Like poetry Like poetry Like poetry… Like breathing Like poetry Like breathing Like poetry Like breathing Like poetry Like poetry Like poetry… :

The Gold of October

  The Gold of October We have a new vision, the color of gold, In the maple and the meadow outside our window. As the arc of the Sun heads south, its brilliance for a time remains In the maple leaves transformed to visual riches Both in the tree leaves, and, when they fall, in the carpet below. Leaves still on the tree wave goodbye in the wind, wave goodbye to the Sun. The tree knows it will welcome again Sun’s warming rays in the spring.   

Once Upon a Time

  Once Upon a Time Once upon a time? Wait a minute! How does one get up on a time? Do you run and jump to catch the fleeting second? And what do you do when you’re up there? Hang on for dear life? Or adopt a devil-may-care attitude? I know.  You do as the poets do. You’re in the moment and write about it…quickly. While hanging on, second by second. It’s a wild ride “upon a time.”

Words Like Water

  Words Like Water The words flow like a river At the source, a trickle, a tiny wellspring An idea with an outpouring of feeling              Ever tumbling                                               Ever meandering Sometimes eddying back to edit                                  Sometimes dammed Then a torrent                        A cataract             ...

A Dear Like a Deer

  A Dear Like a Deer Like a mother doe, Grandma watches over her “fawns” as they play on the lawn. After lunch of Spaghetti-o’s, she brings out the Legos, Which become a base in the four-year-old’s imagined outer space. She’s always attentive to signs of grandchildren restive. When the young boys are, she gives them opportunities to create art, Producing paper and crayons for them to draw on. Or, for the eight-year-old, a phone to play games on, for awhile, alone. To her grandkids it’s clear, she’s truly a dear. She puts a smile on their young mugs, then they return her love with heart-felt hugs. It’s true glee for this ol’ buck…uh Grandpa... to see! 

Doctor Thom's Medical Terms

  Doctor Thom’s Medical Terms / Definition / Treatment The world times 2 - double vision - special glasses Tsunami eye - eye ball floater - none Relaxed muscle - flab - exercise Lumber lumbar - back like a wooden post - stretching Toenail mold - caught likely from public gym shower - meds Bone brittle - bones like peanut brittle - meds Urine - opposite of  “you’re out” - none, except if bloody Red gob - a blood clot spit up - blood thinner Solar skin - roasted by the sun - pre-cancerous skin remover 

A Medical Term?

  A Medical Term? Had a medical appointment for back pain With a serious and  competent practitioner Probably overburdened Aren’t they all? My goal, to put a little humor in her day So when she said, “You have a funky spot on your back.” I said, “Funky. Is that a medical term?” Did I meet my goal? Yep, she broke out laughing. 


  Riches Pearls in the blueberry bush Diamonds in the dewy grass Sparkling emeralds everywhere The jeweler? The sun

Pain Vs. Love

  Pain Vs. Love One AM It comes and it goes With every breath Back pain Loving wife, awakened, tries...    Pain meds    Cold pack    Hot pack    Pillow under knees Her not-so-patient patient grumbles and groans He can’t get comfortable Pain persists Ambulance considered Pain with every, even shallow, breath Exhausted he sleeps Then, miraculously, the pain eases He pulls himself out of bed He walks to his recliner Pain still there but somewhat abated Doctor appointment made Love beats pain

Wind World

  Wind World Maple leaves, colored light green by the sun shining through, flutter in the stiff breeze, and cast their shimmering shadows on the meadow. The buck thorn,  bobbing and weaving in the gusts, make funny faces in their leafy branches. The spruce greet the day with their green-shawled arms waving hello. A lone squirrel braves the wind, always on the hunt for nuts. Other four-leggeds stay in their burrows, not yet used to the cold. Even the birds stay sheltered from the wind, figuring it’s not worth the effort. The wind takes over the world.